Monday, August 13, 2012


Here is a photograph of my 2 MGB's before I gave one away (the right-hand drive one on the left with the Hong Kong license plate) in November, 2011.

They are both 1969 MG B Roadsters, the one on the right is a US model (left-hand drive) while the one on the left is a Hong Kong Export model (right-hand drive). The US car has an excellent engine, runs very strongly, and is my Summer car. The HK car, which I bought in Hong Kong while I was working there for 18 months starting in the Spring of 1984, has a weak engine, and not a good runner. I had to use my one lifetime EPA exemption to bring this car into the United States when I went home in 1985. I also had to install seat belts and other slight modifications to bring it up to US code. It was never registered in the States and it just sat there languishing, but it was willing enough to endure several moves under its own power.

I finally came across a friend who has 10 garages at his house!! I asked whether he would like to have a '69 MGB and he said yes. So, it was time to let it go to a new home, and I hope it will be restored to its proper self as I know it can provide many more miles of enjoyable driving for the right owner.

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